Too Hot to Handle: When Is It Too Hot To Walk Your Dog?

when is it too hot to walk your dog
  • January 7, 2023

The Always-Up-To Date Guide.

As pet owners, we all do our best to ensure that our dogs are healthy and safe, but in the summertime it can be difficult to keep them from overexerting themselves – especially when going on walks. Too often people underestimate just how hot it can get for their pup’s soft paw pads and thin fur coat, leading to a slew of serious health risks associated with extreme heat.

We're here today to talk about the surprising risks of walking your dog in extremely hot weather and share tips on how you can take care of your pup's wellbeing even during punishing temperatures. Here's what you can expect to learn throughout our always up-to-date guide.

  1. Warning Signs That It's Too Hot To Walk Your Dog
  2. How to Tell If the Temperature is Unsafe for Your Furry Friend
  3. Four Tips To Keep Your Dog Cool During Extreme heat
  4. Common Mistakes Pet Owners Make When Walking Their Dogs On Hot Days

Let's fetch & dig right into the details!

Warning Signs That It's Too Hot To Walk Your Dog

When it comes to walking your dog in hot weather, it's important to know when it's too hot to take them out and put them at risk of heatstroke. Here are some warning signs that you should be aware of that could indicate that the temperature is unsafe for your furry friend:

  1. Excessive panting - Panting is a way for dogs to regulate their temperature and is normal behavior especially after exercise or when it's hot outside. However, if your pup is panting more than usual during your walk on a hot day, this could be an indication that the heat is too much for them and they are struggling. Keep a close eye and ear out for initial signs of excessive panting and always have a plan before setting out on long walks during extreme heat.

  2. Rapid heart rate - When the weather is hot and your dog is overexerted, their heart rate can increase drastically, leading to serious issues such as exhaustion and heatstroke. In order to avoid this, it's important to keep an eye on your pup's heart rate during walks on hot days. Telltale signs to identify if your pups heart rate is increasing by monitoring their belly movements, their breathes and even their demeanor.

  3. Weakness or lethargy - If your pup suddenly seems to be feeling weak during a walk on a hot day, this could be an indication that they are overheating and need some relief. Signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke can include sluggish behavior, loss of coordination, weakness in the legs, and even collapsed or unconsciousness.

  4. Vomiting and diarrhea - This warning sign may indicate that your pup has been exposed to long periods of high temperatures and needs immediate relief.

By keeping these warning signs of when it's too hot to walk your dog in mind and some common sense precautions like avoiding long walks during peak temperatures and ensuring there is plenty of water available at all times, you can make sure that both you and your pup have fun while staying safe this summer!


How to Tell If the Temperature is Unsafe for Your Furry Friend

When it comes to understanding the risks of walking your dog in hot weather, it’s important to remember that the air temperature is not always a good indication of how hot it actually is where your pup will be walking. Humidity and other factors can play a huge role in making a walk more dangerous for your pup and should not be overlooked.

One of the best ways to tell if the temperature is unsafe for your furry friend is to check the humidity and temperature index (HI). The HI combines temperature and humidity together to give an estimate of how hot it actually feels. A HI over 54°F indicates extreme heat and may be too much for your pup.

summer heat dog walk

4 Tips To Keep Your Dog Cool During Extreme Heat

As summer approaches and temperatures rise, many pet owners are looking for ways to keep their furry friends cool and safe on hot days, especially during punishing temperatures. With the right precautions and knowledge, you can ensure that your pup is able to stay comfortable and healthy even during the hottest of days.

It's important to be aware that every dog is different and can handle different levels of heat differently depending on their size, type of fur, and even color. Smaller dogs, short-haired dogs, and light-colored dogs are at a higher risk for overheating because they have less protection against the sun’s rays. Here are 4 tips to help keep your dog cool during extreme heat whether you are going on walks or simply hanging with your pup in the sun.

  1. Stay in the shade and avoid exposure to direct sunlight
  2. Take frequent breaks when out on walks and bring water
  3. Invest in cooling vests or jackets for your pup
  4. Offer plenty of cool (not cold) water throughout the day

By taking the necessary precautions and following these tips, you can ensure that your pup is able to stay safe and comfortable in even the hottest of days. With a little extra effort on our part, we can keep our four-legged friends cool during summer heat waves so everyone can enjoy their time together!

Common Mistakes Pet Owners Make When Walking Their Dogs On Hot Days

Even experienced pet owners make mistakes when taking their pup out on a walk during extreme heat that could put their health at risk. These common mistakes should be avoided so that both you and your pup are able to enjoy safe walks this summer!

Not providing enough water or taking frequent breaks during walks on hot days.
Underestimating the impact that direct sunlight can have on a pet’s safety and wellbeing during summer months.
Not paying attention to breed-specific needs when considering walking conditions in hot weather.

When it comes to keeping our furry friends safe and cool during the summer, there is no substitute for preparation. Taking the time to understand your pup’s unique needs in extreme heat as well as being aware of common mistakes pet owners make when walking their dogs on hot days can help ensure that both you and your pup are able to have a fun-filled summer without any worry! So suit up (shorts are probably a better option), grab some water bottles, and enjoy those long summer walks with your four legged best friend - just don't forget the sunscreen!

summer dog walking tips